Blair R.

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DietBet Winnings: $40.58

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Blair R.

04/30/2024 9:46AM in Make it Happen May!
Good morning everyone! This will be my third DietBet. I really enjoy them. I have lost 15lbs over the first two but lost my second one as I basically maintained the whole time just losing a little. It seems when I barely eat I see the scale drop but if I eat healthy it stays the same. I am going to try to drink more water and move more and hopefully I will see some action. We got this đź’Ş

Soo P. , Sarah M. and like this comment.

Norma S.

04/30/2024 9:02AM in Make it Happen May!
Weigh-in and pictures uploaded and accepted âś…

Soo P. , Sarah M. and like this comment.

Blair R.

Same! Let’s get it!

Brittany W.

04/23/2024 10:07AM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
Hey friends, Just wanted to pop in and say sorry for my absence this month. I knew before we began our cross country trip full of weddings, births, birthdays, hosting, and travel— lots of travel, that it was going to be difficult to juggle my work schedule.
Many of you said that it was ok, that you wanted to continue with the same group even if I wasn’t as active. I started a new game feeling like I’d still be able to juggle it while keeping up with IG, FB, email, website, book design, DM’s, homeschooling, being a mom, wife, sister, friend, and content creator not knowing all the hidden things this month would have in store.
Like extreme extended family drama. Police calls, arrests, figuring out the ins and outs of filing for divorce, child support, cheating scandals, domestic abuse, and much more. To make it clear, this has nothing to do with Brady and I. But it did involve people very close to me and I was called upon on numerous occasions to be there to help, research, and offer support.
I feel that I owe you an explanation. I’m not simply sitting around socializing all day, neglecting my commitments. I understand people are disappointed, rightfully so but my family will always take precedence and it’s been everything I can do to keep myself together.
I’m running on empty. My energy completely zapped. My heart completely broken. So please, forgive me for not being more active in here these last couple weeks. Next month we’ll be back home and I have no plans to travel again until the Fall.
I plan to keep my head down and shed the remaining pounds I have to shed and will have a lot more time to be present here.
I hope you can accept my apology and know that this was an anomaly.

Christine J , mydbveryeasy and like this comment.

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Cindy D.

I’m heartbroken for the trials you e endured and are enduring. Glad to hear you’ll get rest soon! I’m grateful not just for your personal engagement in the game but for the community that you’ve engendered so that it is mutually supportive.


It's ok! Life happens! You and your family comes first.

Naomi S.

04/13/2024 10:50PM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
  • I was in a very bad car accident on Monday when my car struck a logging truck. I should not have survived, but by the Grace of God, I came away on a stretcher and not in a bag. I dislocated my hip and broke my pelvis. I am currently in the hospital and non weight bearing on one side. I am sure this means I am not going to be able to submit an official weight as I dont think I can stand on a scale properly for it to register. Time will tell.

    However, I'm not giving up and am going to continue with the proper nutrition until the end. If I can do it, YOU can do it. Keep pushing everyone! You are strong! You are fearless! You are fighters! You are Survivors!

mydbveryeasy , Onyinyechi C. and like this photo.

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Tami M.

That puts things in perspective! So glad you will recover. Best wishes and prayers for lots of support and love to you as you fight your way back to 100%! Hang in there!

Kelly T.


Sarah M.

03/30/2024 3:52AM in Instant Loss Fit For Life!
I hit my target at the start of the week, only to see the scale go up again the last couple of days! I'm consistently under my calories and doing my best to avoid the easter treats, I think it's my hormones and water weight coming in just to sabotage me before weigh in day. I've got a child free morning so I'm going to try get a good hour on the spin bike now, & aim for at least 45 mins tomorrow morning. Any other tips to get through the last couple of days and drop this pesky 1lb that has returned to me?

B Smooth , Chasity A. and like this comment.

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Blair R.

Oh me too! We went out to dinner last night and I am up. To much sodium for sure for me. Next couple days water water!

Sarah M.

I think I'm juicing today so the weight of the food doesn't weigh me down. I'm right there


03/29/2024 6:13PM in Instant Loss Fit For Life!
I'm sitting right at goal. Which I'm super happy about!

The part I'm not happy about it that I've been sitting on it for the last week and a half. I'm tracking every single bite going into my mouth and my weight is just not budging. I have so much weight to lose and it's frustrating to be on a plateau this early in my journey.

Jacque , B Smooth and like this comment.

Blair R.

I am in the same boat. I think a lot of us seem to be. Keep going and we will get over this slump! We got this!

Sarah M.

You're tracking calories? but are your macros great?

Blair R.

03/28/2024 8:40AM in Instant Loss Fit For Life!
Why do men lose so much faster?! My husband isn’t part of the group but eating less and he has lost 30lbs in the last two months! I am happy for him but feeling bad about myself that I can’t lose like him. When I have a snack I think maybe if I didn’t have this I would lose more, Even though I am hungry. My mental state is different watching him and I don’t like it. I want to be happy for him while being happy in my own journey.

B Smooth , Wendylady04 and like this comment.

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Diana D

Girl I get it. My husband is the same....he is part of the group and eats about 3,000-3,700 calories a day and is losing fast!!!! It's metabolism and muscle mass. I know how you feel. But you are in your own body.....measure by your own metabolism. We got this!!!


It’s like my husband can just say out loud “oh man, I need to drop a few” and voila! The pounds melt away! He’s 50 this year and I get jealous of his metabolism. It’s hard not to get frustrated, so I feel you. Sending good vibes, you got this!

Deborah M.

03/28/2024 7:22AM in Instant Loss Fit For Life!
I have maintained for like 4 days straight… I’m definitely grateful to not be gaining, but I’m ready to see a drop! I’m 90% of the way and I don’t wanna be stressed at the end. I’m making all the right choices, just need to stick with it!

B Smooth , Sarah M. and like this comment.

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Cindy D.

Good for you! That’s when it’s the hardest IMO. Keep going!


This is about where I am! Going to try and limit carbs and increase water to see if that helps

Brittany W.

03/25/2024 8:43AM in Instant Loss Fit For Life!
Weigh-ins begin 1 week from now! Is anyone struggling? What do you need help with? Let us help you troubleshoot! đź’Ş We can do it!

Cindy D. , Carrie Anne and like this comment.

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Brittany W.

Heidi, try reversing your meals. Biggest meal for breakfast and smallest for dinner (like a smoothie). :heart:

Janet M.

I’m 60% of the way. Frustrated because I’ve been exercising, drinking tons of electrolyte water, hitting protein goal and in a caloric deficit every single day. Not sure what else to do. I guess I just lose so slowly.

Brittany W.

03/12/2024 12:32PM in Instant Loss Fit For Life!
Should I start another game that begins the day after this one ends? We can use our final weigh-ins as the start weigh-ins for the next game and keep going?

Carrie T. , Cynthia E. and like this comment.

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Bethany P.


Cynthia E.

Yes please !
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