Motivation and Inspiration

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Weightloss updates
by - 10/01/2014 7:28AM

Starting weight:  161.8 Current weight:  143.8 Ultimate goal weight: 135   I am so excited this morn... Read More ›

Kathy B., Leigh and like this blog post.

Vacation turned Bootcamp
by - 03/24/2015 10:31AM

When I signed up for my dietbets, I staggered them to keep myself on track.  It actually terrified m... Read More ›

Thomas, 100 QPs and like this blog post.

House of Sickness
by - 04/07/2015 8:10AM

One of the small blessings in my life is I rarely, and I mean rarely get sick. This blessing is bala... Read More ›

Paula B., Emily M. and like this blog post.

Success!!!! (what's next?!?)
by - 01/22/2015 8:49AM

I am VERY proud to say that I have met all of my fitness goals that I set for myself when I "found" ... Read More ›

Kayla F., Jag and like this blog post.

The Confession
by - 02/16/2015 8:15AM

Why am I my own worst enemy? Why am I so self destructive? What makes me give up so easily when I fa... Read More ›

Jeff, Jennifer F. and like this blog post.

Shhhh, it's a secret!
by - 03/17/2015 8:29AM

3:45 AM: the alarm goes off and I begin my morning ritual getting ready for the run. As I am working... Read More ›

Emily M., Eric R. and like this blog post.

Awakening from Despair
by - 03/06/2015 12:36PM

I recently read a post that made me take pause and think about that person's feelings and about my j... Read More ›

Emily M., Eric R. and like this blog post.

Old enough to know better
by - 03/04/2015 9:01AM

So how does that saying go... old enough to know better, too young to care?  Maybe for this post it ... Read More ›

Deborah, KristenB and like this blog post.

What works for me
by - 03/04/2015 12:21PM

So this started as a reply to a comment to my other blog, but the comment got so long so I just figu... Read More ›

MakeMommyOver, Shi J. and like this blog post.

Your Body Decides Where To Reduce the Fat
by - 01/12/2015 9:06AM

Just like you didn't pick your birth name and can't pick your neighbors, exercising does not give an... Read More ›

Kristin, I C. and like this blog post.

Side Effect: Weight loss
by - 02/24/2015 7:44AM

Once again I find myself sitting down to jot down the thoughts I have been having in my self-reflect... Read More ›

anon-6127a55c-7af9-42fa-b362-f3ed9c73f28d@dc21a64d-7cf8-4c79-bbd9-e7ce75864deb.anon, CrazyCatChick and like this blog post.

Shut up self talk I am running!
by - 02/17/2015 7:40AM

I have been thinking a lot lately of a point I eluded to in my previous musings. That is taking the ... Read More ›

anon-6127a55c-7af9-42fa-b362-f3ed9c73f28d@dc21a64d-7cf8-4c79-bbd9-e7ce75864deb.anon, Moonwytch1313 and like this blog post.

Breathless Joy
by - 03/10/2015 8:32AM

Let me begin with a little true life story: "3:45 AM my phone starts playing a very quiet soft melod... Read More ›

Eric R., JeannieBee61 and like this blog post.

Comments, Titles, and Questions
by - 04/14/2015 8:56AM

Being a lifelong big guy I am used to sly comments, jovial statements, and strange nicknames that in... Read More ›

Michele, Emily M. and like this blog post.

Not hiding anymore
by - 05/16/2015 2:33PM

I've never really been open about my weight with anyone. Even so far on dietbet I've always hidden m... Read More ›

Janice S., bahhhhh and like this blog post.